Online New Patient Workshop Toolkit
6 Secret Weapons to Guarantee Your Online Workshop Converts like Crazy.

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Add our Rapid Fire Workshop Validation Bundle to your order

Want to get your hands on our exclusive training that guarantees interest in your workshop before you even build it?

Purchase our Rapid Fire Testing Training!

This video series trains you how to test the market and discover exactly what your dream customers are interested in attending and buying.

Nothing is worse than putting your time and energy into a workshop people aren't interested in -- Validate your workshops before building them.

You’re toolkit won’t be complete without this Rapid Fire Testing training.

Online New Patient Workshop Toolkit
Item Price

$27.00: Snag our exclusive Rapid Fire Testing training where we walk you step-by-step how to guarantee interest in your workshop before you spend a second building it. Don't take the risk of wasting time building something nobody wants to attend, use this discounted training to maximize your attendance and ensure your valuable time is not wasted.

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